Trees & Shrubs

From Our Nursery Straight To You
Here at Maria Gardens we pride ourselves in a vast selection of trees and shrubs and knowledgeable customer service. Backed by our helpful and experienced staff, our nursery sells only the healthiest, highest quality, trees and shrubs. Many customers visit our nursery in the spring when the displays of color, fragrance and flowers are most spectacular. Among our most popular items are; Azaleas, Japanese Maples, Weeping Cherry trees, Bradford Pears and many varieties of evergreens like arborvitae, pine and spruce. In addition to spring, fall is also a popular time for planting. Our customers can expect to see a colorful display of hardy mums, hydrangeas, hardy hibiscus, butterfly bushes and summersweet, all with discounts below our everyday low prices. It is also our pleasure to offer services such as helping clients design and develop their perfect landscape by using our computer software, sketching on paper, and getting dirty installing your desired trees and shrubs.